Update Media Group

Rental Imaging Cameras Now Available from Quantum Design UK and Ireland #Engineering #CompactImaging #Cameras

High Performance, Compact Imaging Cameras Quantum Design UK and Ireland are really pleased to…

High Resolution Radiation Tolerant Lenses @ResolveOptics #Engineering #HD #ResolutionLenses #CMOS #Cameras

Resolve Optics, the world leader in radiation tolerant lenses for monitoring nuclear reprocessing and power…

PP C&A launches ‘resource centre’ for machine builders and technology disruptors @ppcanda #Engineering #NewResourceCentre #NewTechnologies

Machinery builders and companies looking to bring new technologies to market are set to benefit…

ifm PI pressure sensors: the best get better #Manufacturing #PressureSensors #IncreasedResolution

Pressure sensors in ifm’s popular PI2xxx range, which have been widely used and highly regarded in…

The Antenna Company Appoints Justin Diederix as VP of Operations #Manufacturing #VP #GlobalOperations

The Antenna Company, a specialist in the design of high-performance antennas, today announced it has appointed Justin…

The Impact of Negative Manual Labour Stigmas on Employment #Manufacturing #LabourIndustry #NegativeStigmas

Construction and labour contributes to a huge portion of the UK’s economy and workforce, with the government…

Engineering Wonders of the World #Engineering #Wonders #Technology #Heights

In the UK and beyond, we’re surrounded by stunning feats of architecture and engineering. The Shard is…


Faction Selects Point One Navigation to Help Guide its Autonomous B2B Delivery Fleets

MRPeasy – A simple but powerful MRP system designed specifically for small manufacturers #Manufacturing #ERP #MRP #Software

MRPeasy is a cloud-based ERP/MRP system designed for manufacturers with up to 200 employees. The software offers…

MRPeasy – A simple but powerful MRP system designed specifically for small manufacturers #Engineering #ERP #MRP #Software

MRPeasy is a cloud-based ERP/MRP system designed for manufacturers with up to 200 employees. The software offers…

Manufacturing Update