Update Media Group

Increased flexibility for safety-critical alarm annunciators #Manufacturing #Alarm #Annunciator #Systems

~ How distributed alarm annunciator systems can help nuclear, petrochemical and oil and gas facilities…

Tebis Wins Top Consultancy Award for the Third Time! #Manufacturing #BestOfConsultingMittelstand #Award

Tebis Consulting receives impressive award from Wirtschaftswoche magazine. Tebis Consulting has received…

NTG opens new facility and invests in more 5-axis capacity #Manufacturing #5-Axis #MachiningCapacity

NTG has put its first machine into a new facility in Gateshead and at the…

Introduction to Custom optical design and manufacture #Manufacturing #Brochure #Engineers #OpticalDesigners

Resolve Optics has published a new 12-page brochure for engineers and optical designers looking for…

Application Optimised UV Lenses #Manufacturing #Ultraviolet #Waveband

Resolve Optics is a leading supplier of application optimised fixed focus and zoom lenses designed…

Wire specialist completes MBO and sets sights on record year #Manufacturing #MBO #RecordYear

One of the UK’s leading manufacturers of round, flat and profile wire has completed a…


CGTech, the developer of VERICUT verification, simulation and optimisation software, has expanded its team of…

Lost tools lose time #Manufacturing #VendingMachine

Good tool inventory management leads to more profitable, more sustainable manufacturing

Don’t miss Southern Manufacturing & Electronics #Manufacturing #Southern #Manufacturing&Electronics #2023

The very best of mechanical engineering and electronics will converge in approximately equal measure at…

New: Radiometric SWIR camera line by InfraTec #Manufacturing #ImageIR® #8100 #9100

High-resolution, radiometrically calibrated for temperatures from 300 °C – ImageIR® 8100 and ImageIR® 9100

Manufacturing Update