Update Media Group

Why choose thin-wall hybrid composite tubes? #Manufacturing #Thin-wall #Hybrid #CompositeTubes

In applications where stiff and robust thin-wall tubes are required, for example for telescoping poles,…

Mental health charity gets ‘Wired for Good’ funding boost at it urges more men to start talking #Manufacturing #ToughEnoughToCare #Charity

A Black Country charity that predominantly supports men with their mental health has received a…

Going full turnkey with custom IC #Manufacturing #ASIC

~ The benefits of keeping all elements of application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design and…

Case Study: Inline Process for Quality Assurance of Weld Seams #Manufacturing #3dStahl

Miscellaneous welding tasks in steel constructions currently have a low degree of automation, resulting in…

Remote GPU System Benchmarking for Edge AI Projects from Impulse Embedded #Manufacturing #GPU #Computing #System

Impulse Embedded, a leading provider of industrial computing systems and solutions, is now offering…


The peace of mind of having a planned preventative machine maintenance scheme is increasingly being…

Compliant Cleaning Fluids for European Medical Devices: Meeting Regulatory Requirements #Manufacturing #Medical #Device #Cleaning

Medical device cleaning is an essential process that involves the removal of contaminants, such…

Conservatory Outlet praised by the Mayor of West Yorkshire for its commitment to industry #Manufacturing #Conservatory #Outlet

Conservatory Outlet has been praised by the Mayor of West Yorkshire for its commitment to…

Advantech launches the new Elkhart Lake Modular Edge Computer UNO-2372G V2 #Manufacturing #Industrial #Edge #Computers

Advantech, a leading global provider of intelligent systems and industrial edge computers, has released…

Advantech Introduces the CC-Link IE TSN Class A & B Certified EKI-8510G Switch #Manufacturing #Ethernet #Switch

Advantech, a leading industrial communications solution provider, is pleased to announce the EKI-8510G Time-Sensitive…

Manufacturing Update