In line with demand for a broader choice of multi-layer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) solutions for automotive system manufacturers, Samsung Electro-Mechanics is unveiling its new CL10C102JE81PN#, a device that extends the company’s C0G portfolio from 50V to 250V.

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The new CL10C102JE81PN# offers 1nF at 250V rating in a compact 0603 inch (1.6 x 0.8mm) package size. This specification will appeal to manufacturers of automotive powertrain and safety systems, where MLCC numbers and variants have been rising dramatically in recent years. Among the drivers of this trend are vehicle electrification and demand for even higher levels of functionality.
Vehicle safety and reliability rely on MLCCs, largely because they bring stability to on-board circuits. And while all MLCCs need to provide a balance of stability, miniaturization and capacitance, the ability to withstand higher voltages is also critical. Voltage strength is the maximum level of continuous voltage that can be applied across an MLCC. If an MLCC sees voltage stress beyond its threshold, short circuits can result due to lower insulation resistance and increased current.
To help automotive system manufacturers avoid this undesirable outcome, the latest MLCC with C0G temperature characteristics from Samsung Electro-Mechanics offers a 250V rating. The successful development of this solution relied on the company’s impressive in-house manufacturing capabilities, principally involving proprietary ceramic and electrode material atomization, and ultra-precision lamination.

Samsung MLCC
The C0G TCC (temperature co-efficient of capacitance) means that the extremely stable new device offers a capacitance change rate of ±30ppm/°C over a wide temperature range of -55°C to +125°C. It is the most popular formulation of temperature-compensation EIA Class I ceramic materials.
Samples of the new CL31B106KBK6PJ# are available to order now.