Upgrades for remote sensor software tool #Manufacturing #Upgraded #Toolkit

~ Mantracourt releases upgraded toolkit to provide remote factory-level support ~

For operators using sensors in industrial facilities, relying on manual technical support is time-consuming. Once the fault is identified, they must wait for engineers to come out and configure the relevant transmitter, display or another module. To make it easier for users to receive factory-level support remotely, Mantracourt, the sensing and measurement specialist, has released a software tool, the T24 Toolkit. This system allows communication with Mantracourt’s existing T24 range of 2.4 GHz telemetry products and facilitates configuration and calibration.

When operating industrial sensors, telemetry allows users to wirelessly take precise measurements using common sensor outputs like strain gauge bridge, voltage and current signals. Until now, when an error occurred, the support process was very manual and often relied on support engineers visiting the site to calibrate the relevant equipment or modules themselves. However, the T24 Toolkit enables remote support —users can simply upload support requests via the cloud and engineers will write the necessary code, uploading it directly to the customer’s device through the software’s SensorSpace gateway.

“It’s no secret that doing everything manually is a costly and time-consuming process Many operators in these industrial environments simply can’t afford the delays that come with this,” explained Matt Nicholas, product design manager at Mantracourt. “For example, one of our customers previously used a T24 module to measure tension on a conveyor carrying food products. If this system stopped transmitting data, the tension on the belt could cause lasting damage, increasing maintenance costs and machine downtime. Ordinarily, they would need to contact the electronics manufacturer and arrange a date for the engineer to come out, which adds further delay.”

“To mitigate delays waiting for engineering support, Mantracourt has designed a T24 toolkit, which provides a user-friendly, intuitive interface for users,” continued Nicholas. “As well as remote guidance, the tool enables us to provide factory-level support remotely, since many of the features that we need to access to fix the issue are locked to everyday users, such as the configuration settings.”

The support process is also adaptive — engineers can save support codes as templates for future use and update them when required. This means customers can access support easily and quickly, conveying all necessary information effectively using in-platform tools. These include the screenshot and upload device settings functions, and by providing additional notes for engineers when submitting a request.  

The T24 Toolkit facilitates communication with Mantracourt’s T24 range of 2.4 GHz telemetry products and a suitable interface, such as a base station, is required before operation. With the tool, users can view and alter device parameters, execute commands, save and restore configuration data to files, calibrate modules and even check radio link quality. To add to this, Mantracourt’s T24 wireless telemetry system can link to SensorSpace, a cloud-based platform that allows users to remotely monitor the live feed 24/7.

To download the T24 Toolkit for free, visit the Mantracourt website. Alternatively, to find out more about configuring, calibrating and testing your telemetry, speak to one of the team on +44 (0) 1395 232 400.

Manufacturing Update