We can work with tight funding deadlines due to excellent lead times from our partners Raptor Photonics. Enquire today for your CCD, EMCCD and InGAs camera requirements.
There’s a reason that Raptor Photonics is a global leader – they manufacture world-renowned industrial-grade and extremely rugged ultra-low light digital and analogue cameras. Raptor specialises in complete cameras and core engine solutions using CCD, EMCCD and SWIR sensor technology. The extreme low light capability of Raptor’s cameras makes them ideal for surveillance, scientific and aerospace markets.

High resolution digital SWIR cameras ideal for In-Vivo Imaging
Raptor Photonics presents in-vivo imaging application note, plus an introduction video from Raptor’s Mark Donaghy. We look at the Raptor Ninox 640 II and Ninox 640 SU models.
Fastest Scientific X-ray EMCCD Camera on the Market
The only high energy direct X-Ray using a 1MP Frame Transfer EMCCD sensor. The Falcon III XO offers a combination of speed and sensitivity for soft X-Ray applications up to 20KeV.
Focus On: X-Ray Camera Solutions
Raptor has developed a series of camera platforms for use in the X-Ray detection market, offering either direct or indirect detection.

Remote sensing of Vegetation using SWIR cameras on a UAV
Current research projects are now looking at reflectance spectroscopy methods using remote sensing systems based on unmanned aerial vehicles.
Prestigious Innovation Award for Owl 640T Camera
The Raptor Photonics OWL 640T VIS-SWIR camera won “Best in Machine Vision” at the Vision Systems Design 2021 Innovators Awards. Discover why…
Raptor Photonics continues to push the boundaries in scientific SWIR imaging
Raptor Photonics Ninox 640 SU, a vacuum cooled InGaAs based camera with 640×512 sensor with a 15µm x 15µm pixel pitch for the highest spatial resolution.