Nanomegas Workshop 2022 #Manufacturing #ApplicationsOfPrecessionEnhancedElectronDiffraction #Workshop

Applications of Precession Enhanced Electron Diffraction

Date:  15 November 2022 

Venue:  Manchester University, Engineering Building A, Booth Street East, Manchester 

Quantum Design and NanoMEGAS are proud to announce that we will be holding a workshop “Applications of Precession Enhanced Electron Diffraction” at Manchester University.

The workshop will cover the theory and practical aspects of Precession Electron Diffraction and its applications which include phase orientation mapping, strain mapping, EDPF, tomography.  The afternoon will consist of live demonstrations.


The topics that will be covered from a theoretical and practical aspect are: 

  • Introduction to Precession Electron Diffraction in TEM 
  • Phase Orientation Mapping – ASTAR 
  • Strain Mapping – TopSPIN  
  • PED Tomography – ADT3D and Micro ED 
  • Electron Pair Distribution function – ePDF 
  • Advanced processing using PED data  


09:30 Registration 

10:00 Introduction to Quantum Design UK and Ireland and Nanomegas 

Shayz Ikram, Quantum Design UK and Ireland  

10:05 – 13:00 

  • Basic introduction workshop for interaction – technique and applications of precession 
  • Theory and practical aspects of PED and its applications 
  • Typical application phase orientation mapping, strain mapping, EDPF, tomography 

Thanos Galanis, Nanomegas  

11:15 – 11:30  Coffee break 

13:00 Lunch  

14:00 User Talk TBC 

Alexander Eggeman, Manchester University, Engineering Department  

14:30 Live Demonstrations – please indicate your choices on the registration form 

15:30 Coffee Break 

15:45 Live Demonstrations continued  

16:30 Discussion and close  

To register your interest in attending this free event, and to let us know which live demonstrations you’d be most interested in seeing, please fill out the form at:

Manufacturing Update